While online dating has its wonders, it is important to stop for a minute and think about our safety, both physically and mentally. 

Here are a few tips on how to navigate the intricate world of dating and hookups.


Follow your instincts. 

Do not go to things that feel dodgy. 

Make sure you know where your boundaries lie and what you want from a meetup.

Do not let yourself be forced into anything you don’t want to do. 


Stay in the app. 

Being in the app will help to find the messages again if needed. 

Take a screenshot of the address, to keep track of where you are going and tell a friend so they can keep tabs on you.

Have a backup plan and excuses if you need to get the hell out of here.


Take care of yourself, during and after the meeting. 

After care is essential. An intimate connection can awaken a lot of feelings. 

Take some time to ground yourself, take a shower, reflect, but also eat some food and chat with friends!


Overall what’s important is to listen to your body and needs. Take your time!

Have we missed anything? Share it with us x